Bright Chrome Rotator Rod with White Accent Ball

The Best of Both Worlds

More room in your shower and a more room in your  bathroom. Through a one-of-a-kind curved rod and rotation system, Rotator Rod expands "elbow space" within an ordinary shower by 33%. Then when you are finished rotate the rod back into the tub to create a roomier bathroom.

For people who enjoy relaxing and comfortable escapes from daily life, Rotator Rod is the curved shower  rod  that provides more than added functional space, it delivers airy luxury and peace-of-mind.

Each Original Rotator Rod™ fits a standard tub opening, with an adjustment at both ends to allow for  wallboard and/or tile, marble, etc. . Installation takes 15 minutes or less.  The unit includes a Stainless Steel curved shower rod, easy-mount Rotator Rod brackets,  and mounting hardware.  Also included is a free Rod Reacher. This ingenious device assures easy reach and smooth rotation of your Rotator Rod, giving you instant space inside and outside your tub.

When the rod is in the "in" position, the shower curtain hangs away from the tub—allowing the curtain and liner to dry quickly. This position allows you to drip dry towels/bathing suits/lingerie etc. with all of the drips draining into the tub, instead of onto your bathroom floor.

Bright Chrome Rotator Rod with White Accent Ball


SizeMounting Kit

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